Kite Flying
This past week when I was running I thought about how what we are going through with our baby is similar to running on a treadmill. You don't get anywhere. You start in one place, stay in that place and end at the same place. I thought about how I'm going to leave the hospital the same way I arrived, without a baby to hold. I only had this thought for a split second and sadness gripped me for even thinking such a thought. My next thought brought a lot more hope and truth my way. Yes I stay in one place while I'm running but a lot of health benefits take place in that one spot. The same is true of these months I have to be pregnant. Blessings and benefits too numerous to count have already been experienced because of our precious little one and I trust there are more to come.
Yesterday we went on our second family outing. We decided to fly kites at the park! Like a little kid I looked for the perfect kite. I ended up choosing a cute little owl while Joe chose a fighter plane.
Getting the kite up in the air was more challenging than i remembered it to be. But with some help from Joe and a little jog up a hill I was able to get my kite to fly high in the sky.
Joe was the master kite flier. I think his kite only came down twice.
I laughed and giggled out loud as my kite got caught up in the wind doing flips and twist, sometimes nose diving into the ground and other times flying higher into the sky. It felt so good to giggle with glee. I held my kite with one hand cradling my baby with the other and looked over at Joe and shouted I love our baby.
Standing at the top of the hill surrounded by beautiful green trees, a bright blue sky and puffy clouds I looked up into the sky and thought about heaven. This year heaven gained three great souls, my Grandpa and Grandma Linko and my Grandma Fernane. I thought about how my grandparents will be waiting to meet our little baby. I smiled and cried at the same time knowing that there is lots of love waiting for this little one.
I had one more great realization while we were on our kite flying adventure: I'm Fun! This might sound a little funny but here is a back story. The year after I graduated from Purdue I had an internship working with college students from my church. I loved leading bible studies, mentoring students, planning events and everything else that was involved with the internship. The problem came when three of the girls from the college group asked if they could live with me for the summer. I got really nervous when they asked me. I wasn't sure why I was so nervous so I just told them I'd have to think about it. The more I thought about it I realized that I didn't want them to find out I wasn't fun. I decided to let them live with me but when I told them that they could I also told them, " I just want to let you know I'm not fun". They just looked at me and laughed but I was serious. I didn't think I was fun for a really long time. I feared I would not be a fun mom or know how to play with my kids but all that has changed over the last ten years. Mostly because I'm married to the biggest kid around. I'm thankful that I realize this pregnancy is important, special and life changing!